
Upload to PyPI

A configuration file is required to upload to PyPI with the Makefile targets, pypi-test and pypi.

Typically add this to ~/pypirc:


repository =
username = <pypitest-user-name>
password = <pypitest-password>

repository =
username = <pypi-user-name>
password = <pypi-password>

Ensure that the uploading tool twine is installed like so:

[sudo] pip install -U twine

Pull Requests

  • Submit Pull Requests against the master branch.
  • Provide a good description of what you’re doing and why.
  • Provide tests that cover your changes and try to run the tests locally first.

Example. Assuming you set up GitHub account, forked modulereport repository from to your own page via web interface, and your fork is located at<your-github-user-name>/modulereport

$ git clone
$ cd modulereport
# ...
$ git diff
$ git add <modified>
$ git status
$ git commit

You may reference relevant issues in commit messages (like #113) to make GitHub link issues and commits together, and with phrase like “fixes #113” you can even close relevant issues automatically. Now push the changes to your fork:

$ git push<your-github-user-name>/modulereport.git

Open Pull Requests page at<your-github-user-name>/modulereport/pulls and click “New pull request”. That’s it.

Running tests

Ways to run the tests locally:

$ make lint         # ensure code follow best practices
$ make test         # runs all unittests
$ make coverage     # runs coverage on code
$ make report       # makes a nice html page of coverage result

Lint (flake8) may complain for great many details, but make test will not run without clean code.

It can be configured to ignore certain codes in setup.cfg configuration file:

# it's not a bug, ignore:
# H101: Use TODO(NAME)
# H301: one import per line
ignore = H101,H301

Getting involved

The Module Reporter welcomes help in the following ways:

  • Making Pull Requests for code, tests, or docs.
  • Commenting on open issues and pull requests.